Unveiling Cinematic Brilliance: Behind the Scenes of the KAYAK Commercial

Ever wondered how to create broadcast TV commercials that keep viewers watching? 
Check out this BTS video of this awesome KAYAK Commercial, directed by the talented duo Crinan Campbell and Daniel Lumb. In this blog post, we take you on a journey behind the scenes, giving you a glimpse of the incredible effort, creativity, and artistry that went into bringing this masterpiece to life.

Pre-Visualization for Unique Camerawork

It’s hard to think of creative camera shots and write it down on paper so that a director of photography can understand your vision.  Sometime, you just have to shoot what you’re thinking.  That’s exactly what Crinan and Daniel did when they shot a pre-viz video that follows their shotlist and creative vision, so that they could see if it would actually work and look good.  The end result was using the same shot list and movements in their final video, which in turn made it easier for producers to approve and DP’s to follow. 

The Cinematic Canvas:

Behind every mesmerizing shot is the gifted cinematographer  Tim Fok, whose lens work weaves together the visual tapestry of this commercial. His skillful use of light and angles adds depth and dimension to the narrative, making each moment come alive.  Plus, using a proble lens to get extreme close ups of the eyes, toaster, and phone is an incredible way to transport viewers into their world. 

Creative Ingenuity:

A successful commercial is the result of a harmonious blend of creativity, and that's exactly what the creative team brought to the table. Sean and Conrad Robson, the creative minds behind the scenes, were able to piece together a fun script and talented crew that worked together to create a fun commercial.  Storyboards are a great way to plan shots, but shooting those boards with the crew before production, is a great way to fully visualize the project with moving pictures.

In conclusion, the KAYAK Commercial serves as a reminder of how a great team, robust pre-production, and creative environment can produce outstanding pieces of work. It's a celebration of creativity, teamwork, and the art of bringing stories to life.  Much respect to the crew and production company.