Mastering Video Ads on Social Media

Video ads are essential to reaching more people outside of your community.  Paid media gives your content a boost and drives more traffic than most organic posts.  But they can be incredibly frustrating to develop, create, and manage so you can get a decent Return On Ad Spend (ROAS).  You might feel that there are way too many advertisers out there who are bidding high on all your keywords and making it more expensive for you to stand out.  

How can you grab a viewer’s attention in a sea of ads and content?

Below are 14 ways that strategies for you to apply to your ad campaigns so you can get the most ROI. 

1. Grab Attention Fast

Our attention spans are getting shorter than a goldfish - blame it on TikTok.  The first few seconds are make-or-break. According to Facebook, videos that grab attention in the first 3 seconds have higher engagement rates. So, skip the long intro and hit your viewers with something captivating right from the get-go.  Weather it’s a summary of what you’re going to talk about or a pattern-interrupting statement, it’s important for you to grab their attention quickly before they click away. 

2. Storytelling: Don't Sell, Relate

Since the beginning of time, humans have told stories to each other, which has been ingrained in our psyche.  We love herding and telling stories, so storytelling is the best way for you to communicate your message to your audience. According to a study by Google, ads that tell a compelling story are more likely to be remembered. Your ad should make people feel something.  

One ad format is the “Hook-Story-Close” method where you grab their attention with a hook, tell a story related to that hook that expresses your message, and end with a CTA so you can tell them what to do next.  The story part is crucial as it makes you relatable to the viewer. 

3. Mobile Optimization

We live in a mobile-first world. In fact, 60% of video views on Facebook and 70% on YouTube happen on mobile devices. Ensure your video is mobile-friendly; optimize it for various screen sizes. Nobody likes squinting at a tiny video or rotating their phone to watch it properly.

4. Keep It Short and Snappy

Shorter videos perform and receive better results on social media. Wistia's research showed that videos up to 2 minutes long get the most engagement. So, keep it short and straight-forward. 

5. Don't Forget Closed Captions

Ever watched a video on mute in a public place without sound? You're not alone. Closed captions are essential. Facebook's research indicates that video ads with captions have a 12% higher engagement rate. Plus, it makes your content more accessible to everyone, including those with hearing impairments and who can’t speak your native language. 

6. A/B Testing

Data is king nowadays and you have access to a vast sea of it.  Utilize your tools and test your ads.  It's essential to A/B test your video ads so you can see which ads are most successful. Run multiple versions to see what works best. Test different thumbnails, calls to action, and video lengths. This way, you can fine-tune your strategy based on real data, not guesswork.

7. Targeting: Show It to the Right Crowd

Targeting is everything. Platforms like Facebook and YouTube offer detailed audience targeting options. Use them wisely to ensure your ad reaches the right people. Research by HubSpot found that personalized ads perform significantly better than generic ones.  

8. Quality Over Quantity

Although people are used to user generated content and videos shot on phones, it doesn’t mean you can skimp out on video quality.  It's better to have one high-quality video ad than a dozen mediocre ones. Invest in good equipment and editing software. Poor production quality can turn viewers away faster than a buffering video.

9. Call to Action

Sometimes, people need a little nudge in the right direction. Use a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) at the end of your video. Whether it's "Shop Now," "Learn More," or "Sign Up," make sure it's easy for viewers to take the next step.

10. Metrics: Show Me the Data!

Track your metrics religiously. Facebook and YouTube offer robust analytics tools. Monitor things like click-through rate (CTR), view-through rate (VTR), and conversion rate. Data-driven decisions are the secret sauce to success.

11. Remarketing: Don't Let Them Forget You

Ever visited a website, then saw their ad following you around the internet? That's remarketing. It's highly effective. According to Google, website visitors who are retargeted with display ads are 70% more likely to convert.

12. Consistency Is Key

You're not going to become an overnight sensation. Consistency matters. Regularly posting high-quality video content builds trust and keeps your audience engaged. According to Forbes, consistency in branding across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%.

13. Don't Ignore SEO

Yes, SEO isn't just for written content. Use relevant keywords in your video title, description, and tags. This helps your video rank better in search results. According to YouTube, 70% of viewers discover videos through search.

14. Learn from the Best

When in doubt, learn from the pros. Analyze successful video ad campaigns in your niche. What are they doing right? What can you learn from them? Study and adapt, but don't copy. Your uniqueness is your strength.

Mastering video ads on social media platforms is a blend of creativity, strategy, and data-driven decisions. Keep your videos short and captivating, target the right audience, and use A/B testing to refine your approach. Consistency, storytelling, and quality should be your allies. And always remember, your audience's attention is a valuable commodity – use it wisely!