Riding the Wave: Navigating Video Trends for Shareable Content

Marketing is tough when you’re surrounded by a sea of content.  Just getting a view is tough, let alone a conversion.  So how do you create content that’s shareable and engaging?  Jump on trends so your content is relevant, current, and pertinent.

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying current with video trends is essential for marketers and content creators looking to make an impact and reach a wider audience. With platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat constantly evolving, it's crucial to adapt and embrace emerging formats and techniques to create content that stands out and goes viral.

Here are some key insights and strategies to help you stay ahead of the curve and create shareable and viral content:

1. Embrace Short-form Video: Short-form videos have become increasingly popular, with platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels dominating the social media scene. These bite-sized videos are perfect for capturing attention in today's fast-scrolling world. Experiment with trending challenges, dances, and memes to engage your audience and increase your content's virality.  Watch other creators on each platform to see how they format their videos in your vertical. Find ways to capture your viewer in the first 2 seconds and keep the viewer engaged throughout the video. 

2. Jump on Trends Early: Keep a close eye on emerging trends and viral challenges within your niche. Whether it's a popular dance craze, a catchy song, or a trending hashtag, being one of the first to participate can significantly boost your content's visibility and shareability. Monitor social media platforms and stay connected with your audience to identify opportunities for timely and relevant content creation.  This also applies to trends outside of social media such as world news, politics, or national holidays.  Keep an eye out on what other people are discussing and find ways to create content for those topics while sticking to your voice. 

3. Leverage User-generated Content (UGC): Encourage your audience to become active participants in your content creation process by soliciting user-generated content. Whether it's through contests, challenges, or collaborations, involving your followers in the creation of your content not only fosters a sense of community but also increases the likelihood of your content being shared and going viral.

4. Optimize for Platform-specific Features: Each social media platform has its own unique features and algorithms that can impact the virality of your content. Take the time to understand the nuances of each platform and tailor your content accordingly. Whether it's utilizing hashtags on Instagram, leveraging trending sounds on TikTok, or optimizing for search on YouTube, optimizing your content for platform-specific features can significantly increase its visibility and shareability.

5. Focus on Emotional Appeal: Content that evokes strong emotions, such as humor, awe, or inspiration, is more likely to be shared and go viral. Consider incorporating storytelling elements, relatable anecdotes, or heartfelt moments into your videos to create a deeper connection with your audience and elicit an emotional response that compels them to share your content with others.

By staying current with video trends and implementing effective strategies for creating shareable and viral content, you can maximize your reach, grow your audience, and make a lasting impact in today's digital landscape. So, embrace the latest trends, experiment with new formats, and let your creativity shine as you strive to create content that captivates and resonates with audiences around the world.