Comprehensive Twitter Image Sizes Guideline


Do you have the right Twitter image sizes? This article mentions the updates made to the platform and shows the differences between them by showing graphics as examples. It covers the images sizes for the Twitter avatar/profile picture, header/banner, tweet, and linked images. The article also lists the sizes and the author’s recommendations for promoted tweets (ads), summary cards, and which file sizes and types you can post on Twitter. The author also describes how to create Twitter cards and moments, and post on mobile to accommodate your audience. Some key takeaways are making your profile picture at a 1:1 aspect ratio at 400x400 pixels, banner sizes are at a 3:1 aspect ratio at 1500x500 pixels, tweeted images are at an aspect ratio 16:9 at a minimum of 600x335 pixels, previewed link images are at an image size of 1.91:1 and more included. Twitter accepts landscape and square images and JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats, but not GIF on banner images. No need to have your images cropped when you update them with these specifications.

Credit: Louise Myers Twitter Image Size and Specs: This Is All You Need to Know