
Social Video Marketing: What You Need To Know In 2022

Did you know that people spend an average of 18 hours a week watching videos? Do you know what the best platform is for your businesses videos to reach your target audience?

This week’s featured article breaks down the stats for each social media platform and shows how videos are received on these platforms. For example, 70% of users purchased from a brand as a result of watching a YouTube video. 

Do you know how to get the most out of your videos? Check out the full article to find out more: 32 Social Media Video Marketing Stats You Need to Know in 2022 [Infographic]

Where to Post Video Content to Increase Conversions

Are you considering which platforms to upload your videos to after planning out your video? While there are many choices out there, your video won’t get the right visibility it needs without acknowledging your goals, the platform, and the audience, before you choose to upload the video. Conduct more research into which social media platforms your audience frequents the most, then look into the platform’s video specifications. If you are redistributing your video onto several social media sites, post natively and adhere to the platform’s rules. In this clip from our video content course, we introduce video upload strategies to aid in video visibility on customer’s social media feeds.

Succeed in Video Marketing Following This Guide


How often do you approach videos as you're browsing the web? Have those videos taught you something new, introduced you to a new brand, or gave you a behind-the-scenes of a company? That's the beauty of video. Videos entertain, inspire, and inform users, engaging them to learn more about the company outside the products and services they offer. If you haven't quite figured out your video content marketing strategy and need some pointers, continue reading this guide on using video marketing for your business.

Videos have been increasingly popular over the years, with more and more businesses using videos to reach their target audience. If you haven't branched into the world of marketing yet, you're going to need to with 81% of businesses implementing videos into their content strategy according to HubSpot. As you create or modify your content strategy, figure out the purpose of the video you want to convey. There are different types of videos; explainer, interviews, product reviews, and live videos; you can use them for that goal. For example, if you would like more viewers to see and know about your products, enlisting the support of an influencer for a product review gains access to their viewers and lets you know what viewers think about your product or service. Once you establish and film the video, decide which platforms or pages on your website you want your video displayed. Include a CTA at the end of your video and optimize the video for the viewers watching on different platforms and devices.

Now, let's get into some of the reasons why implementing video marketing is important for your business. There is a projected increase of over 80% of traffic containing videos by 2021. As many businesses are uploading videos and telling their stories, to stay with the competition, post authentic-driven videos that share your story through live or animated videos, as examples. Creating these authentic and engaging videos lets your viewers know who you and your brand are and eventually help drive conversion rates. According to Social Media Today, 90% of consumers say watching a video helps them in deciding to buy a product. Videos are an accessible and versatile content medium that lets your viewers learn something from you, whether it's educational, entertaining, or truly inspiring.

Credit: Written by Digital Marketing Institute THE IMPORTANCE OF VIDEO MARKETING

Comprehensive Twitter Image Sizes Guideline


Do you have the right Twitter image sizes? This article mentions the updates made to the platform and shows the differences between them by showing graphics as examples. It covers the images sizes for the Twitter avatar/profile picture, header/banner, tweet, and linked images. The article also lists the sizes and the author’s recommendations for promoted tweets (ads), summary cards, and which file sizes and types you can post on Twitter. The author also describes how to create Twitter cards and moments, and post on mobile to accommodate your audience. Some key takeaways are making your profile picture at a 1:1 aspect ratio at 400x400 pixels, banner sizes are at a 3:1 aspect ratio at 1500x500 pixels, tweeted images are at an aspect ratio 16:9 at a minimum of 600x335 pixels, previewed link images are at an image size of 1.91:1 and more included. Twitter accepts landscape and square images and JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats, but not GIF on banner images. No need to have your images cropped when you update them with these specifications.

Credit: Louise Myers Twitter Image Size and Specs: This Is All You Need to Know

The Complete Social Media Video Size Guideline


Is your video formatting giving you trouble? Are you finding it hard to update your social media video content strategy without knowing if your video meets the platforms’ video specifications? Video content is constantly being shared and uploaded across multiple platforms through different formats. A consumer or viewer must view your video without any technical problems on your end. You’ll learn which most up-to-date video dimensions, aspect ratios, and character limits are for each type of video and the purpose behind each one. Knowing what the video specs are before uploading will make you feel prepared in choosing which video ad type for Facebook or the preferred length of a video ad on LinkedIn, for example. If updated video specs come up, this article doesn’t stop at providing the video specs for major platforms. It also includes an up-to-date Google Doc link, for reference, that lists the social media platforms and their specific video specs. This article goes over the video guidelines for Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, and Twitter.

Credit: Written by Alex York Always Up-to-Date Guide to Social Media Video Specs

Here's Your Guide for Uploading Videos on Twitter


Are you a small business owner or a rising creative looking to share your videos and content on Twitter? Well, Twitter is here to help with this article that details four ways to post videos on its platform! Those four ways are to record/share, import, upload, or go live. You can record, edit, and share videos through the Twitter app. You can record a video by tapping on the camera icon on the app and by tapping the Tweet or Add button when you're ready to post and share it. If you already have a video created, then tap the Tweet and camera icons to select your video, and trim it to your desired length. Keep in mind that the maximum video length is 2 minutes and 20 seconds. If your video is on your computer, click on the Tweet button, open your files, write your message, and hit the Tweet button. Also, note that uploads from the computer must be in a supported format and must have a file size of 512MB or less. If your video is over the maximum file size, you can trim it to meet the maximum video length. This helpful article offers additional video help such as autoplaying videos, watching live videos, and closed captioning.

Credit: Written by Twitter Help How to share and watch videos on Twitter - Twitter Help Center