Video Marketing Guide - 10 Best Videos For Business

Marketing is absolutely integral to growing and your business and expanding your customer base. Video marketing can be an extremely effective form, if done right. We’ve compiled a list of 10 types of videos for marketing, to help you decide which ones fit best for your business.

#1 - Product Videos. Product videos should be a part of just about any business’ marketing campaign. These videos showcase your product, or service, how it works, and what benefits it provides to the customer. These can also be used to provide updates to existing products that have undergone recent changes.

#2 - Explainer Videos. Explainer videos are, no pun intended, self explanatory. They discuss a particular problem and explain how to solve it. These videos are generally, but not always, animated, and tend to be shorter in length, depending on the problem discussed.

#3 - Onboarding Videos. These videos are meant to attract new employees to your business, but explaining the employee’s duties, benefits, and potentially offer a bit of training. As these videos are not marketed towards general audiences, their production value can be lower than that of other videos.

#4 - Internal Training Videos.  Internal training videos are in many ways, expanded onboarding videos. They are more in-depth, offering information about topics such as the company’s rules, mission, departments, and so on. These videos should be no longer than 10 minutes to prevent boredom, and generally 10 to 20 will be made for an average training session.

#5 - Testimonial Videos. Since consumers nowadays are constantly bombarded with half-truths about a product, they often want to see opinions from a regular person. These videos, generally under 5 minutes, provide just that, with a customer giving their experience on the product. The people in this must be real people, not actors. 

#6 - Promotional Videos. Promotional videos promote something related to your business, such as an event or product launch. These videos should contain both information about the event, as well as a call to action, such as an option to RSVP.

#7 - Company Culture Videos. These videos showcase the work environment at your business, helping to both humanize your video to potential customers as well as attract potential employees.

#8 - Social Videos. Social videos, with the advent of social media, are likely the most common videos on this list. These videos tend to be short, under 1 minute or even 30 seconds, fun, and flashy. It’s important to do research, as formats and demographics will differ between various social media platforms.

#9 - Sales Presentations. Sales presentations can be recorded, and show the value of your company’s product or service, as well as providing a call to action. These are obviously more informative than interesting, but should still be made entertaining, and be under 3 minutes in length if possible.

#10 - Livestreams. Live streams are great for getting engagement from users. They can be used to host webinars, seminars, or even share big announcements. These can be just about as long as you want, but need to still be as high quality and entertaining as possible.