
How To Upload Videos onto YouTube


Ready to upload your video but don’t know how upload it to YouTube? Waste no more time by following these simple steps! YouTube allows for creators like you to upload and publish your video via computer and mobile phone- Android and iPhone/iPad. To upload via your computer, you can either sign in to YouTube Studio Beta and follow those steps or sign in to YouTube or upload by clicking the camera icon in Creator Studio Classic. Either way you choose you need to: click the upload button, select the video file, add a title, description, and thumbnail for your video as well as any additional settings such as video category, then preview your video and publish. The article includes additional information such as videos for mobile phone uploaders and information related to uploading videos. For example, the article explains why the upload and publish date may be different, the video resolution, and if you would like to publish videos over WiFi or not.

Credit: Written by Google Help & YouTube Help Upload videos - Computer - YouTube Help - Google Help