
Best Cameras To Buy For Video Content

Is your camera lacking in the special features you need for optimal quality? Or does it have too many features you may not need yet? Aside from your skillset and vision, cameras are one of the most important tools for photography and videography. No matter what your level of familiarity is in using cameras, choosing any of these selections will help you shoot a video with the camera you’re comfortable with. In this clip from our video content course, we reveal the cameras best suited for video creators at the beginner, intermediate, and expert levels.

Behind the Scenes Tech Product Video

This awesome behind the scenes of a series of tech product videos by Anthony Lebedev is another example of how you can shoot at home! Watch below!

Buying the Right Camera

Buying the right camera that matches your skill level? Help us narrow down your camera list with choices of the best cameras suited for the type of video you want to create and your level. In this clip from our video content course, we list the recommended cameras for the beginner, intermediate, and advanced stages.

Social Media Video Optimization

Are your videos optimized for mobile viewing? Take into consideration how your viewers are watching your videos. Your viewers need to see and hear everything on your video, no matter what device they watch videos on. In this clip from our video content course, we go over the different social media video specifications recommended for better optimization within a platform and device.

Free Webinar - How To Shoot Awesome Videos With Your Phone

You have the ability to make better videos on your phone than most amateur videographers with cameras.

I'm hosting a free webinar this Saturday, May 23rd at 11 AM PST on How to Shoot Awesome Videos With Your Phone. Made for beginners and people who don't have a camera, I'll teach you basic video fundamentals (framing, lighting, sound) and ways to optimize your phone so you can get the best footage and sound possible.

Sign up at the link below. Thanks and see you there!  


Discover the Top Free Video Editing Software


Filmed an amazing video and are looking for video editing software to edit on? Why should you have to spend money on an expensive video editing software, when you can edit on quality apps and software for free? This article offers you 24 of the best free video editing software for desktops and mobile devices! The desktop editing software lists a range of desktop software perfect for beginners and advanced video editors. Most of the software included in this list have a pro or paid version; however, the features in the free version should be enough for your video editing. Most of the software is compatible with Windows, Apple, and Linux systems. If you’re editing on the go, the video editing apps, available on iOS and Android, also have features and functions to help you edit and share easily. There are also apps designed specifically to edit videos on Instagram. Each editing software has a pros and cons list, as well as a notable features section to help you further in your downloading decision. The software you used to edit will make your videos stand out on your website, social media, or marketing campaign!

Credit: Tom Wells 24 Best Free Video Editing Software Programs in 2020

Find Out YouTube's Video Resolution and Aspect Ratio Sizes


Are you wondering how your video will display on YouTube using a different aspect ratio? YouTube is where millions go to get their daily source of entertainment. If you’re a business owner or an aspiring creative and you’re uploading YouTube videos, you’ll need to know the recommended formats and aspect ratios for the platform. If you are uploading on a computer, the standard aspect ratio size is 16:9. If your video has a different aspect ratio display, YouTube will change the video to the standard size. The video player also automatically adjusts to meet the size of your video. For vertical videos, who have an aspect ratio of 9:16, YouTube adds white or dark grey borders to fill the screen. On mobile devices, portrait videos are displayed without black bars to fill the screen on mobile devices. Viewers can press the full-screen button to view the full vertical video. YouTube also features a list of recommended video resolutions, for the 16:9 aspect ratio, so that your videos can be shown at optimal viewing quality!

Credit: Written by YouTube Help YouTube Resolution & Aspect Ratios

How To Upload Videos onto YouTube


Ready to upload your video but don’t know how upload it to YouTube? Waste no more time by following these simple steps! YouTube allows for creators like you to upload and publish your video via computer and mobile phone- Android and iPhone/iPad. To upload via your computer, you can either sign in to YouTube Studio Beta and follow those steps or sign in to YouTube or upload by clicking the camera icon in Creator Studio Classic. Either way you choose you need to: click the upload button, select the video file, add a title, description, and thumbnail for your video as well as any additional settings such as video category, then preview your video and publish. The article includes additional information such as videos for mobile phone uploaders and information related to uploading videos. For example, the article explains why the upload and publish date may be different, the video resolution, and if you would like to publish videos over WiFi or not.

Credit: Written by Google Help & YouTube Help Upload videos - Computer - YouTube Help - Google Help