Video Making

Best Lights For Video Content

Which type of lights is best for your video production? Tungsten, fluorescent, or LED lights? Choosing the lighting in your video production is a crucial task as it sets the tone and mood for the scene you’re shooting. Become acquainted with the lights available and how their use might benefit your needs. In this clip from our video content course, we break down the advantages and disadvantages of using tungsten, fluorescent, and LED lights.

The Breakthrough Framework for Video Marketing

Looking to improve your video content strategy? Look no further than the Hero, Hub, Help framework as your method to increase brand awareness. This framework allows creators the opportunity to plan and create valuable and engaging branded videos year-round from a product launch to a tutorial video, for example, to reach consumers in multiple stages of the customer buyer journey. In this clip from our video content course, we explain the Hero, Hub, Help Framework.

8 Industries Where Video Marketing is Needed


More industries are using videos in their marketing strategy. Video marketing is a powerful and versatile medium to further connect with your customers. Videos don't just help foster the relationship between you and the customer; they also can increase sales, conversions, and trust. Don’t know if your company should include videos? Not to worry, because we have a list of the 8-industries that need a video marketing strategy.

Let’s preface this by saying having a video marketing strategy is necessary for all industries. Video marketing is the opportunity for companies to showcase their products/services and improve the engagement with their customers through the content in the video. The industries: SAAS (software as a service), travel & hospitality, healthcare, education, agencies, law, finance, and E-commerce, have many terms and competitors that make it difficult for a customer to identify what they need; and which company is best for them. Establish a relationship with your potential customers by creating video types such as brand videos, product demos, explainer videos, and testimonials. This will give your customers a bit of insight into what your company is like before they make their important decision.

Trust is a crucial aspect of these industries and is one of the goals in video marketing. Create a human-side approach to your business through a video marketing strategy. There are tools and resources to create videos without needing a production company. Don’t discount your industry as a reason why a strategy isn’t used. Try it and see how it works for your company.

Credit: Margot Whitney 8 Industries That Must Have a Video Marketing Strategy

Why It Is Time to Include Video Content For Your Business

Have you noticed that your competitors are utilizing social media platforms to advertise their companies?

Thought to yourself that it might be time to include video marketing strategies for your business to gain a competitive edge as well? 

Yes! It is true that video marketing has gained a lot of traction over the past decade, and it is not too late to begin publishing video content today for your business. We have provided this article guide so that you can understand why there is a lot of untapped potential in implementing videos for your brand today.

Perhaps a potential customer has landed on your page, what’s next? The goal would be to ensure that they don’t just leave after clicking on your page and that you can provide engaging yet straightforward content for them to explore. A well-placed video in the landing page to handle explaining a product/service can help clarify more about the benefits of purchasing from you. LSA conducted a survey that showed 44% out of 2000 people surveyed viewed at least one online video looking for products/services, making videos an amazing medium for explanation to consumers. Due to convenience, many consumers would rather watch a video than read when learning about a product/service option. 

Furthermore, maybe you are enjoying some success with your business and your competitors don’t have social media pages yet. While others may be complacent, it is an opportunity to establish authority in your industry and reach out to a bigger potential target audience. 80% of viewers can recall an ad that they’ve watched in the past 30 days, meaning an effective video can help shape your brand’s reputation and identity. 

Click the link to read the full article!

Credit - Neil Patel - Is it Time to Add Video Marketing to Your Content Marketing?

Free Webinar - How To Shoot Awesome Videos With Your Phone

You have the ability to make better videos on your phone than most amateur videographers with cameras.

I'm hosting a free webinar this Saturday, May 23rd at 11 AM PST on How to Shoot Awesome Videos With Your Phone. Made for beginners and people who don't have a camera, I'll teach you basic video fundamentals (framing, lighting, sound) and ways to optimize your phone so you can get the best footage and sound possible.

Sign up at the link below. Thanks and see you there!

A Step-by-Step Guide to Better Videos

Do you want to start video marketing for your business, but limited in resources? 

Unsure if you have enough time and money to invest in a premium camera and video editing technicalities? 

It’s been proven by many businesses that there are affordable ways and steps you could take to still create quality video content on your own. Simply having a lower-priced video camera or latest smartphone is enough to get started. Here are some things you can do to get started on creating quality content while you are on a budget. Firstly, ensure that you have properly thought out a production plan to execute. The plan should involve a script to the video and the message you want to deliver should be identified early on. Don’t be afraid to be yourself on camera, the authenticity of your personality should garner you, customers. If you have someone else in your company that may be more charismatic, perhaps consider them to be in front of the camera instead. 

As you are explaining the product in the video, repeat the details a few times so that you can reinforce it into your viewers. The viewers don’t know as much about the product as you do, and they certainly would get bored hearing you just talking about all the specifications. It is much easier to just demonstrate or put the product into action. Chances are that even if you felt that the video content is amazing, not everyone will want to sit through the entirety of it. So how can you increase the chance your viewers will stay? Entice your viewers by promising something at the end such as a discount code to reward them for watching. A Call-To-Action should be presented to viewers at some point so that they can subscribe for more of your content or take a look at your business page, even if they don’t finish the video. 

And be sure to promote your video as much as you can. A great video won’t be good if you can’t capture an audience. You can start by adding an eye-catching title, adding relevant hashtags/keywords, and posting on all of the major social media platforms, and selecting the proper thumbnail to increase the chances of more viewers. 

Credits - Written By - Lauren Colman - How To Make A Video: A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you need to use video to train internal teams during the COVID-19 Lockdown?

Do you need to use video to train internal teams during the COVID-19 lockdown?

Since most businesses are requiring employees to work from home, internal teams and even IT departments have to become content producers to train and communicate with staff. If this is you, and you're confused about how to create videos while you're working from home, join my free webinar this Saturday, April 18 at 11 AM PST to learn how to create professional videos without having to invest in expensive equipment.

Sign up at and let me know if you have any questions.