
Understand The Why

“So understanding the why can get you closer to understanding how you can accomplish what they’re actually hoping it can do. “

In this clip from episode 58 of our podcast, Mark Haynes discusses why it’s important to know the reason why clients want a video because having that knowledge will provide better results than not understanding the why. Mark Haynes is a cinematographer, director, and owner of production company Manifest Imageworks.

Listen to this episode again as we discuss how his love of movies and desire to recreate them led him on the path of filmmaking, cinematography, and lighting, how the methods of storytelling have evolved, and the most efficient way to run a shoot.

Listen to episode 58 on Apple Podcasts: How Technology Expands Creativity, Best Ways To Shoot Videos, And How Storytelling Has Evolved

How Technology Expands Creativity, Best Ways To Shoot Videos, And How Storytelling Has Evolved

Our next podcast episode features cinematographer, director, and owner of production company Manifest Imageworks, Mark Haynes. He has been working in the film industry since 2007 and shoots for clients in the advertisement, corporate, and entertainment industries.

In this episode, we discuss how his love of movies and desire to recreate them led him on the path of filmmaking, cinematography, and lighting, how the methods of storytelling have evolved, and the most efficient way to run a shoot.

Listen to episode 58 on Apple Podcasts: How Technology Expands Creativity, Best Ways To Shoot Videos, And How Storytelling Has Evolved

Modern Era Of Visual Effects, Impact Of Technology, And The Need To Embrace Newer Technology

Get ready to listen to our latest episode with guest Tim Pipher! He is the owner of La Castle Studios, a production studio that combines cutting-edge technology with high-quality camera equipment. This studio has a selection of unique virtual environments, visual effects, and physical sets.

In this episode, learn more about the technology he uses at LA Castle Studios, the benefits it has on creativity and artists, and how producers should adopt new technologies for future productions as they save money, time and reduce waste.

Listen to episode 33 on iTunes here Modern Era Of Visual Effects, Impact Of Technology, And The Need To Embrace Newer Technology!

Behind the Scenes Tech Product Video

This awesome behind the scenes of a series of tech product videos by Anthony Lebedev is another example of how you can shoot at home! Watch below!

How Creativity Makes Us More Human

“You’ll have a middle-class predictable job if you have domain expertise and something technical - but if you actually want to lead in that world, then you’ll need to have a set of skills or a set of aptitude that we associate with the humanities. Creativity among them” This is a clip of Alec Ross speaking out about how having creativity is what divides us from artificial intelligence and helps us stand among others in the workforce. Alec Ross was the Senior Advisor of Innovation for Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State and is a technology policy expert who wrote the New York Times bestseller “The Industries of The Future”. This podcast interview includes talks about how technology can desensitize creativity, why creativity is still important to humans as we progress along advancing technologies, and how exercising can help you get out of a rut and boost creativity. 

The Full Episode is available on Apple Podcasts on Creative Haven here: Using Creativity To Distinguish Humans From Robotics and AI, While Utilizing Technology To Enhance our Artistic Expression

Leading Creative Teams, 3D Printing Jewelry, and Merging Technology with Creativity for Innovation

Listen to our podcast episode with Jenny Wu, a designer and founder of the 3D printing jewelry line called LACE, and a partner at award-winning architecture firm Oyler Wu Collaborative! In this episode, we talk about how the connection between technology and creativity is important in the future and how learning new technologies create more innovative pieces. We also talk about how teaching can influence designers to create as well as be a source to practice developing your craft. Jenny also mentions the importance of trusting a collaborative team to execute and brainstorm creative ideas. To listen to the episode, go to Creative Haven on iTunes here: Leading Creative Teams, 3D Printing Jewelry, and Merging Technology with Creativity for Innovation