
"Should I Invest In Video Marketing"

Have you considered investing in video marketing as a way of helping your business grow? If so, you’re on the right track.

Video marketing is quickly becoming the best way to communicate with and engage audiences. Anyone can create a video. Almost all of us carry a video camera around in our pockets. Shooting on a smartphone may not be the best way to create your videos. The better the quality of the video, the more people will respond to it.

Check out this week’s featured article to find out whether your business should invest in video marketing and how it could help you reach your marketing goals.

Read more here: Ask Vikki: Should I invest in video marketing?

Improve Your Video Marketing Strategy

Are you one of the 86% of businesses that invest in video content as part of their marketing strategy? If not, did you know that the video trend has been one of the best ways for businesses to grow over the past few years?

Video has become one of the best methods for communicating with customers. It helps customers learn about the business and discover more about products and services.

This week’s featured article goes over tips and tricks to improve your video marketing strategy and better reach your customers through your videos. Check it out to start improving your videos today!

Read here: Three Tips To Improve Your Video Marketing Strategy

Do It To Learn It

Do you know the best way to stay on top of the latest content marketing techniques? Sometimes it can seem overwhelming to try and be an expert at everything in order to get ahead. Especially in an industry that’s constantly evolving.

According to Brennen Bliss, Founder and CEO of PixelCutLabs, the best way to learn how to do things in this industry is by doing it. Practicing the craft in real-time is the best way to learn how to do it well and find out what works for your business.

Listen in to this week’s podcast to hear more about Brennen’s real-world experience and how it led to success.

Listen here: Building a Powerful Brand With SEO, Best Way to Scale a Business, And The Importance of Coaching & Mentorship

Why Video Marketing Is Perfect For Businesses

Does your business invest in the customer experience? Did you know that your business could bring in up to six times more revenue if it did? So, how do you get started?

Check out this week’s featured article to learn more about how videos are the key to communicating with your audience. It helps your business form deeper connections and lasting relationships with your customers. Personalizing communication with your customer is also an important way to capture their attention.

Read more to learn more about how you can beat your competitors and gain customers: Video as an effective tool to evolve the business processes of your communication agency 

Why Video Marketing Is Vital In Growing Your Business

Have you heard that video marketing has become the preferred way for businesses to reach their potential customers? Does your business have a video marketing strategy? If not, you may want to start investing goes over how to get started and what you need to know in order to become successful in video marketing.

You’ll find out what skills you should focus on learning first that will help make your business grow right away. Check out this week’s featured article for more tips and resources so that you can make your own video marketing vision come to life!


How To Create A YouTube Channel For Your Business From Start To Finish 2021

Do you want to create a YouTube channel? Did you know that 70% of users purchased from a brand as a result of watching a YouTube video? YouTube can be a great tool for growing your brand and marketing your products. It’s easy to get started!

Check out this week’s YouTube video for our step-by-step guide on how to get started. Come prepared with your Gmail account and we’ll walk you through the rest. From creating your channel to customizing and branding. We also show you how to make sure your new channel will be seen by your audience.

Check out the video and get a head start on the competition!

Building An Affordable Remote Team

Do you want to grow your business without breaking the bank? Hire remote workers! Check out my latest YouTube video to find out how I find quality workers from other countries to help my business grow. Not only are you saving money, but you are supporting workers from all over the world!

Video Marketing Is A Good Investment

Have you found your engagement has slowed down lately? Or maybe it’s not growing as fast as you planned. You may have already heard that video content is the future. With TikTok’s popularity and now Instagram moving towards video content, it’s becoming more and more obvious that videos are the way most people want to consume content and information.

Invest in videos if you see your conversion rate drop. If you sell products, include videos highlighting what you sell. Customers, according to research, are more likely to purchase when they see one.

Invest in videos if you want to increase your brand loyalty. Create ones that are heartbreaking, educational, or even funny. Create ones that engage your customers' emotions, ones that will leave positive impacts on them.

Invest in videos if you don't see your brand on the first page of Google after two or three keyword searches. People love videos so they are a good way to improve SEO!

Invest in videos if onboarding is a challenge for your business. They can be effective in training and motivating your employees.

Invest in videos if people do not understand your products. Videos are the best engaging way to introduce and educate people about what you sell. Create how-to videos or demonstration videos if you must.

Lastly, invest in videos if you want to increase social interaction. Since people spend most of their time on social media, why not post videos that would stand out enough to stop them from scrolling?

You may have already heard that video content is the future. With TikTok’s popularity and now Instagram moving towards video content, it’s becoming more and more obvious that videos are the way most people want to consume content and information.


Brand Advertising Made Effective Using Animated Characters

What first comes into your mind when you hear brands like M&M's, Kool-Aid, and Pillsbury? What do these brands have in common? These are just among popular brands that have hopped on using iconic characters to boost their businesses.

Brands spend lots of time and effort coming up with ideas to create their characters. Some represent their values, some target to appeal to their demographics, and some are both.

Using animated characters provides benefits to brands. Since these are intellectual properties, brands can save up on expenses in their campaigns. They could use these characters in promotions and not worry about fees for celebrity endorsers and the like. Another is memorability. When consumers see these, they immediately know the brand and the products. Successful animated characters are even imprinted in merchandise, replicated as toys, and used for entertainment.

With the development of software and culture, animated characters have evolved over the years, but most have remained very iconic and nostalgic. It is crucial to carefully design your characters, making sure that it is not only visually appealing, but it also is something that your target audience would be able to relate and connect.

Credit: DigitalArts Why Animated Characters in Brand Advertising Are Grrrreat