
Best 5 Videos For Business & Brands 2021

In this video, you'll learn the top and best 5 videos that brands, businesses, and companies should make to grow.

Brands and businesses need video content these days to grow online. It doesn't necessarily mean just social media videos either. I discuss other types of videos you can use internally to train your employees, delight your customers, and convince prospects. I know this after working with multiple brands and companies, and it always comes down to these 5 types of videos that we always create.

These are basically the 5 essential videos you need as a business to grow your brand online and offline.

Watch the whole video and you'll learn everything you need to create the most crucial videos for any business.

How His Background in Architecture Influences His Creative Business, Resonating With Client Pain Points, And The Value of Learning New Skills

We chat with Aman Johnson a producer, director, and founder of Johnson Media Co., a video production company specializing in storytelling in commercial, documentary, and narrative work.

Listen to this episode as we talk about how his experience in architecture helped him with his confidence and problem-solving skills for his business and how he attentively listens to his clients’ stories to resonate with them to help him with his process. We also share the value of learning new skills and showing kindness to others to increase overall personal growth.

Find episode 67 on Apple Podcasts How His Background in Architecture Influences His Creative Business, Resonating With Client Pain Points, And The Value of Learning New Skills

TikTok's Magic

“I don’t think there’s any other social media platform that is directly increasing traffic of others. I think TikTok is best at that.”

Hear MontaVega Media’s COO Matthew Rogers share his experience and insights on TikTok’s algorithm and how impactful the platform is to increasing traffic across other social media platforms.

Listen to this episode again as we talk about the importance of building trust in your client relationships, using past work to guide clients towards a decision, the importance of building a team that strengthens your weaknesses, and why TikTok is the best social media platform right now because of the favorable algorithm which increases traffic across all platforms.

Listen to episode 53 on Apple Podcasts here: Developing Client Relationships, Effective Growth Tips For TikTok, And The Importance Of Building The Right Tea‪m‬

Earn Your Confidence

“And as you start to gain that experience and gain that knowledge it builds that confidence. It’s a swirl of all three of those things.“

Hear Josh Emerick give creatives advice on how to build confidence in this clip from episode 46 of our podcast. Josh is the owner of J. Emerick Cinema & Photo. He also teaches other filmmakers how to grow their careers and businesses.

Our conversation with Josh included topics such as his music video creation process, his passion for teaching, the importance of good people skills and delegation skills as a video creator and business owner, and why creatives need to hold themselves to a higher standard by writing action plans.

The full episode is available at Creative Haven under Apple Podcasts here:Power Of Delegation, Importance Of People Skills, And Building Up Confidence From Scratch‬.

Checks and Balances is Always Important

“It’s looking back at it and asking myself if I enjoy it because that’s why I put these things out, right?”

Hear fellow Let’s Get Candid podcast host Crystal Leung describe how reflecting on past work is a good tool to discern what you enjoy or do not enjoy to improve in the future.

This podcast hosts candid conversations about the highs and lows of life through a guest’s perspective on interesting topics.

Listen to this episode again as we discuss how switching careers can be beneficial and how trying new activities can help you discover your desired career. We also discuss the issues that live event companies face during the COVID lockdown and the unique tips to host and market virtual events.

Listen to episode 40 here: Switching Careers, Handling Virtual Events, And Finding Happiness In What You Do