buying journey

How to Create Video Content For Your Buyer's Journey

Are your videos aligned with your customers? Build a buyer persona, a representation of an ideal customer, to further understand and better serve your target audience. Understand the buyer's journey through each stage to determine which content to create for customers who are either researching a problem, solutions, or companies to solve their problem effectively. Create videos in each stage (awareness, consideration, and decision) that guide your customers towards your products and services. In this clip from our video content course, we explain the thought process customers go through in the customer buyer's journey to attract customers to your business.

Use These 25 Tips To Improve Your Marketing Videos


   Are your marketing videos conveying their messages effectively? What changes could you implement and have your videos stand out more? Whenever you upload video content to your business page, you have an opportunity to appeal to your customer’s desires and needs and tell a story. 

   Spend some time in the creative process and ensure that your content is not boring! Use an eye-catching video title to get attention and tag it with relevant keywords so that it can have a higher chance of appearing in search results. Don’t be afraid to add some music in your videos as it can help spice it up and set the emotional tone you desire. Many online users may browse the internet through their phones and tablets, so make sure that the video is mobile friendly. 

   Most importantly, be sure that you have a CTA (call to action) at the very end of all your videos. What would you like your audience to do once they have finished viewing your video? You could encourage them to sign up for your newsletter or invite them to check out your product through a link. Encourage viewers to have a conversation by asking them to leave a comment or ask a question to increase engagement. 

Credits: Written By - Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead - 25 Tips for Creating Great Marketing Videos

Video Marketing Is Working For Small Businesses In 2020

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How have small businesses used video marketing tactics in 2020? What are some numbers that prove that their strategies are working? In 2020, video marketing has been established as a working strategy for many businesses. When video marketing tactics are implemented correctly, it helps small businesses to build a long relationship with their loyal customers. A study has shown that 66% percent of consumers would rather watch a video on a product than read up on it. 

Apparently, it’s a format most customers have a preference for as video posts tend to have three times more engagement on sites than posts without them. If consumers can’t get the information they want about your products, they are likely to move on to your competitors when doing their research. Some small businesses are still holding out on using video marketing, but have shown that 64% of their own users suggested that it’s their most effective type of marketing for their own businesses. 

Whether it’s a personalized thank you video for a client, a short demo showing off a new product, an interview with a client, posting such video contents regularly can remind customers that your brand exists and move newer customers along their buying journey.

Credit: Written by: Shama Hyder This Is How Small Businesses Are Using Video Marketing In 2020