resolution and aspect ratio

What is Video Resolution, Aspect Ratio, and Codec?

Why is understanding video resolution, aspect ratio, and video file size important for optimal video quality? When choosing which resolution to shoot with, figure out where you want your video distributed to and what device your audience will watch your video on to determine which resolutions are supported by specific aspect ratios. The file size also plays a role in a high-quality video. In this clip from our video content course, we share the different types of resolutions, aspect ratios, and file sizes. 

Resolution & Aspect Ratio

What do you know about the video settings that affect your image quality and size of your video? Not much? Well, for starters, the resolution affects the overall quality of your videos. The more pixels you have, the higher the quality. The aspect ratio also determines the quality and size of your video when uploaded. When you’re ready to upload, you’ll need to choose a file type that is compatible with your needs. In this clip from our video content course, we go over the specific video settings you need to know when preparing your video for distribution.

Modify Your Social Media Videos To Fit On All Platforms

Make platform specific videos, not just one video for all channels.

Have you ever seen a video online that’s been uploaded to all social media platforms, but is the same video across the board? It’s suddenly cut off at 1-minute on Instagram, it isn’t formatted correctly for vertical, or doesn’t have a proper endscreen on YouTube.

You should know how videos should be properly edited and uploaded for each platform to optimize your engagement and traffic. Know the aspect ratios, customize thumbnails, study optimal lengths, and read up on the best specifications for each platform.

And remember our CTA, that’s always important.

Free Camera Checklist

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Are you just starting out with video making and want to get the best footage out of your camera? Well we created this incredibly useful checklist that will make the videomaking process easy by getting your camera settings right before you capture the perfect shot. I’m a filmmaker that’s been creating videos for 10+ years and have shot with everything from DV cameras (yeah I’m old!), phones, and DSLR’s to an array of professional cinema cameras that cost more than a car. This step-by-step guide is a system I’ve created and used over the years whenever I’m about to shoot a video. It ensures that my settings are correct for the type of look I’m going for, as well as a list I give to my assistants on set so they can adjust all cameras at the correct settings so the footage is consistent and I’m not going crazy during post-production. Whether it’s for your vlog or marketing video, this checklist will make sure your camera is set correctly without having to think too much about it, so you can spend more time visualizing your creative shots or figuring out how to balance that finicky gimbal!


So when you’re ready for a shoot, print out this checklist and cross off each step before you shoot.  Type in your settings on the dotted lines so you can keep it consistent with other cameras on your set.  As a beginner, you’ll be ahead of most YouTube creators.  If you’re a pro, this is a great way to get your camera settings dialed with your AC while you’re busy running the shoot.

Just remember to have fun!

Download the checklist here