
A Split-Screen And Cinematic Glimpse Of The Wildlife

This quick split screen clip captures the artistry and level of patience required in the cinematography of this wildlife scenery! Check out the setup side by side with the pure moment that was captured on film! 🦊

Six Refreshing Video Marketing Tips You Should Implement in 2020

Are you hoping to stand out a bit more with your video marketing tactics? 

Hoping that you can find some tips to give your own business an edge?  

In 2020, the pandemic has forced businesses to rethink their marketing tactics. Despite the sudden change in our landscape, here are six refreshing tips that should provide a boost to your company’s video marketing strategies. 

Firstly, you want to be sure that you are familiarized with the 7 sales and marketing video types - 80%, Employee Bio’s, product/service, landing, bad fit, customer journey, and claims. It is not necessary to have an About Us video despite it being common among companies online because it doesn’t tend to generate revenue or trust. After that, be sure that you spend some extra time polishing your YouTube channel by -  optimizing your playlists, use sections, designing a banner, and more. A cleaner layout allows your viewers an easier time browsing through your channel.

A personalized video for sales will allow you to connect with an audience deeper than a bland email message and can provide a better way to pipeline your sales for your sales team, look up vidyard’s chrome extension as it is a free tool to use in creating one. Try researching into hiring a videographer to help you create video content, as you are getting an individual/crew to fully commit time making high-quality content!  Don’t forget that there are more outlets than YouTube for you to post your content!

Credits - Written By - Liz Moorehead - 6 top local business video tips for your 2020 marketing strategy

How To Create Videos At Home During COVID-19

Do you need to create video content but can't hire a video crew because of COVID-19 and Shelter In Place?  

Some businesses had a robust video content marketing plan for the Spring but had to put everything on hold due to the virus.  Video creators such as myself could no longer shoot these videos, let alone interact with our clients in person.  How do we build the momentum back up for video content marketing when you can't hire a professional team to create the content?

Through ingenuity and adaptability, I've been able to advise, consult, and coach clients remotely to create video content which I would then edit along with other assets such as stock footage to create video content for marketing.  Thank God for technology.

I'm hosting a Free Live Webinar on April 18 at 11AM PST to teach this process to business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers so you can learn video production fundamentals that translate to your phone or an inexpensive camera setup.  I'll go through video content marketing methods (I was just certified for Google's Fundamentals of Digital Marketing) with filmmaking techniques so you can create engaging videos at home that are aligned with your business goals.

Sign up at and feel free to ask me any questions along the way!  I feel that we're all going to be stuck indoors for an indefinite time so learning how to create professional video content for marketing at home without a video team is crucial.

Increase Your Engagement on Video Content Marketing with These 14 Reasons


You may see advertisements and commercials while browsing through social media or when catching up on your favorite show. Wondering how you can reach your audience through multiple social media platforms and increase your brand equity? Skeptical about video marketing and don’t understand how it can be beneficial to you and your business? This article explains all about that! In addition to sharing important statistics and insights surrounding video marketing, the article also shares 14 reasons in the form of infographics that help you understand why this marketing tool is important. These infographics explain the multiple ways videos can be used for your business, the benefits of using video marketing, and the increase in sales, leads, and organic traffic that can result from implementing videos onto your website pages, blogs, and social media pages. The article also shares three closing tips to keep in mind when creating videos such as your audience’s engagement and how they are viewing your content. These visuals help you see why you need to implement video marketing in your business!*

Credit: Ramona Sukhraj 14 Reasons Why You Need to Use Video Content Marketing [2019 Infographic]

Create Videos Without Needing Film School


You don’t need film school to be great at video content.

Have you ever stopped yourself from making videos because you thought you weren’t educated enough to create something people would watch? As a film graduate and Youtuber, I’ve found that film school isn’t necessary to create amazing video content. I’ve found that you can become an outstanding video creator if you watch classic and current films and TV shows, study trends online, find a mentor or experienced crew to teach you, and learn by practicing consistently. 

What if you just want to make videos for marketing your products?  Sometimes the most viral videos come from an iPhone - what matters is your message and if it resonates with your audience.  

Not to mention the breadth of online sources to learn from, you can become a powerful video creator without the film school debt. 

Reasons You Need Video Marketing in Your Business


Curious how you can drive engagement and increase brand awareness to your business? If you’re a business owner or creative and you haven’t implemented video marketing yet, then you’ll need to read this article! Video marketing is growing rapidly, and utilizing it for your business is necessary for 2020 as it gives consumers a story behind a product, brand, or event. This article lists out six reasons why video marketing is essential for your business and marketing strategy because not using video could make your business miss on securing connections and opportunities with consumers. The 6 reasons summarized are that people prefer to watch videos as it helps deliver your message, strengthens your brand identity, helps with your search engine optimization, and any metrics you’ve been working on like conversions or lead magnets. Your consumers will remember watching the videos you make and can share it on other social media platforms. The article lists a few statistics to further explain why video marketing is important. Two that stand out are that “72% of customers prefer to learn more about a product by watching a video.” and “81% of businesses are using video as a part of their online marketing strategy”. These statistics should give you motivation and ideas on what to create. The videos you create don’t have to look professional; instead, there are apps and tools to assist you in creating a simple good quality video. Reach your audience better through consistent videos that tell a story.

Credit: Ted Sellers Why is Video marketing so important in 2020